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Maseru (pronounced "mɑseʀu") is the capital of Lesotho. Located on the Mohokare River, bordering South Africa, it is Lesotho's only sizable city, with a population of approximately 180,000 (2004). It is the capital or camptown of the Maseru District. Up until 2004 Maseru had a growing textile industry supported by and invested in by Chinese manufactures. Since the expiration of US tariffs to China the textile industry in Lesotho has tapered off. The city's manufactures once included candles and carpets but have been overshadowed by South African industry.

Recent city comments:

  • Scripture Union Lesotho, makhoale (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    why are you not producing matla a letsatsi book ? it used to guide us so well each day
  • New Millennium English Medium School, Sefora (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Can you plz provide mewith contact details ASAP I wanna ask about payments & boarding for my two kids who r still in Primary!
  • New Millennium English Medium School, Sesi (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Please help me with contact number or email address of the school. I need it urgently.
  • New Millennium English Medium School, Gladys L (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Hi may you please provide me with the information about the school in primary and about the boarding please ASAP
  • New Millennium English Medium School, Portia (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    why cant this school create a web site with all basic information parents need. I would like to know when the schools are closing for 3rd term? why do the closing dates and opening dates change so much? Thank you for changing the quality of the school Jersey. its much better.
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Maseru on the map.